Our Projects
City of San Jose
Energy Audits
Project Summary
Under contract with the City of San Jose BASE performed integrated and retro-commissioning audit of City’s facilities as well as evaluation of renewable energy projects. The project started in June 2009 and completed at the end of 2012. BASE was assigned various energy audit projects including the following:
Community Centers
Police and Fire Stations
Service Yards
Animal Care Facilities
BASE was also assigned two solar PV projects including one at the San Jose International Airport. The audits have resulted in identification and analysis of significant energy and cost savings projects at these facilities. We have also served as a resource for various smaller energy efficiency projects.
Project Highlights
Project Type
Energy Audits
Renewable Audits
City of San Jose
Facility Size
-- ft²
Verified Energy Savings
-- kWh per year
Verified Demand Reduction
-- kW
Verified Natural Gas Savings
-- therms per year