Measurement &
BASE performs measurement and analysis of energy consumption for equipment, systems and facilities. For measurement and evaluation projects, BASE designs detailed measurement protocols to evaluate equipment systems’ energy performance and have the capability and experience to measure any parameter related to the energy performance of systems. Our experience with energy performance measurements includes but is not limited to:
Electric Power and Energy Consumption
Fluid and Surface Temperature
Fluid Pressure
Gas Composition including
Exhaust Gas Monitoring
Light Intensity
Liquid Flow (both intrusively and non-intrusively)
Ambient Temperature, Humidity and Light Level
On/Off Operation of Systems
Rotational and Linear Systems
Thermal Imaging
BASE has an extensive inventory of monitoring equipment and the capability and experience to perform these measurements on short and long term basis using data loggers and computer data acquisition systems. We perform our evaluation, measurement and verification (EM&V) projects following IPMVP, ASHRAE Guideline 14 or FEMP protocols at the discretion of the client.
As related to measurements and verification (M&V) and monitoring, BASE staff have extensive experience in the design of experiments, instrumentation, data acquisition, monitoring and interpretation. BASE principal, Dr. Ahmad R. Ganji, P.E. is also co-author of the book, “Introduction to Engineering Experimentation,” 3rd edition published by Prentice Hall in 2010.
Some of our M&V projects include evaluation of:
Wine electrodialysis
Wine cold stabilization
High-efficiency hydraulic pumping control system
Mass transit propulsion and braking system
Plastic extruder and blow molding hydraulic drive systems
Mechanical vapor recompression for milk processing
Integration of utility revenue meter to a SCADA system for pumping efficiency optimization
Water pumping optimization for City water supplier
Retro-Commissioning of HVAC Systems for Various commercial and municipal facilities
Measurement & Verification of Energy Savings from Wastewater Treatment Primary Filtration
Industrial Hydraulic Pumping System