Energy Assessments
BASE provides a broad range of energy efficiency services, with a strong commitment to improving energy performance, reducing operating costs, and reducing greenhouse gas emissions and our clients’ carbon footprint to the greatest extent possible. Our customized approach to every engagement means clients do not receive “off the shelf” solutions to their specific problems, but instead receive our in-depth approach to finding actionable solutions. To learn more about our services, please click on the categories below.
Energy and Water Assessment
Our staff has participated in and directed hundreds of comprehensive energy assessments covering a wide variety of institutional, commercial, and industrial facilities. Our facility energy assessment service involves a thorough evaluation of building systems, processes, and energy and water saving opportunities. In the course of our facility assessments, BASE identifies, recommends and evaluates energy and water efficiency, demand response, load management and self-generation opportunities based on solid engineering analyses. Our engineers have the capability to perform ASHRAE Level I, II and III audits depending on the needs of our customers.

Retro-Commissioning (RCx)
Following our Retro-Commissioning process, BASE can ensure that building equipment and systems function at the highest levels of energy performance and operate to the building owner’s needs. Every three to five years, building systems and controls should be evaluated to detect system deficiencies since energy performance will often drift over time as equipment and controls degrade. BASE engineers can help facility managers diagnose equipment operational deficiencies, recommend corrective actions to optimize system performance and reduce facility operating cost.

Design Reviews
BASE has helped over 150 facility owners and design firms review non-residential, new construction designs for energy efficiency. Our engineers bring extensive field experience and knowledge of state-of-the-art, energy-efficient technologies to each review. BASE evaluates the engineering and economic merits of the proposed system and building enhancements over state or industry standards.

Energy Modeling
Using proven process and building simulation software, we perform detailed hourly simulations of the energy usage of entire buildings and systems. With packages such as CBECC-com, eQuest, EnergyPro, MotorMaster, AirMaster, Process Heating Assessment and Survey Tool (PHAST), Pump Simulation Assessment Tool (PSAT) and others, BASE is able to analyze whole buildings and targeted systems for energy performance and efficiency.

Measurement & Verification
BASE engineers design detailed measurement protocols to evaluate the energy performance of commercial, institutional municipal and industrial facilities and systems. BASE engineers have the capability and experience to measure all electrical and mechanical parameters related to energy performance of systems on short and long term basis using the state-of-the-art technologies. BASE engineers perform energy measurement and verification (EM&V) projects following IPMVP, ASHRAE Guideline 14-2002 and FEMP protocols.