Design Reviews
Over Our staff has developed design review reports for a wide array of commercial, industrial, municipal and agricultural facilities. The specific objective of design review projects is to perform technical design reviews and analyses in order to recommend a more energy-efficient design and operation for the targeted facility:
Our design review process involves:
Evaluating the proposed new construction design documents and major remodel projects for energy efficiency, demand response capabilities and utility incentive/assistance.
Evaluating and analyzing selected equipment, establishing baselines (using California Title 24 when applicable or industry standards) and recommending alternative equipment for improved energy performance.
Identifying and analyzing recommended equipment and system improvements to incorporate into the design including energy efficiency, water efficiency, demand response and self-generation/alternative energy. For commercial buildings, BASE creates an energy model of the proposed design project using various simulation software such as eQuest, EnergyPro, CBECC-Com, etc.
Preparation of comprehensive project reports detailing baseline analysis, proposed recommendations, detailed energy savings and feasibility analyses, and potential financial incentive analyses.
Performing post construction verification site visit and analyses of installed equipment.