Our Projects
University Medical
Center Campus, Fresno
Project Summary
County of Fresno contracted BASE Energy, Inc. to develop and implement a strategic energy plan for the University MedicalCenter (UMC) Campus in Fresno. The project was divided into three main phases: Project Development (Phase I), Project Implementation (Phase II), and Verification (Phase III).
Phase I was completed in September 2013 and with direction from the County of Fresno Board of Supervisors, BASE and County staff will begin Phase II. Phase I of the project involves performing detailed energy assessments of all campus buildings, developing detailed energy consumption computer models of the redeveloped vacated hospital buildings (under multiple scenarios), developing a detailed 10 year energy efficiency and utility infrastructure strategic plan, and developing the request for proposal documents (RFP) for contractors to bid on the identified projects. During Phase I, BASE engineers identified a total of 26 energy projects, which were grouped into three potential implementation alternatives after detailed life cycle cost analysis.
Project Highlights
Project Type
Energy Audits
Energy Simulation
County of Fresno
Facility Size
~360,000 ft²
Projected Energy Cost Savings
$3 million in next 10 years